December 2, 2009


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InvenTeams 2011
Awards: Up to $10,000
Deadline: September 9, 2011
Description: High school science, mathematics, or technology teachers from public, private, charter, or vocational schools are invited to apply for funding to support their project to identify and research a problem, then develop a prototype invention as a class or extracurricular project to solve that problem. Created by Lemelson-MIT, this project is a unique opportunity for high school students to experience invention.

Target Arts and Culture in School Grants
Award: Up to $2,000
Deadline: Registration will reopen March 1, 2012
Description: Target invites all K-12 public schools to apply for grants to fund projects, field trips, and experiences that help bring the arts and cultural experiences to K-12 students.

ING Unsung Heroes Awards Program
Award: 100 – $2,000 awards, one – $5,000 award, one – $10,000 award, one-$25,000 award
Deadline: April 30, 2012
Description: All full-time educators, administrators, paraprofessionals, or classified staff are eligible to apply for funding to support their unique classroom projects. In the past 10 years more than $3 million in grants have been awarded.

American Honda Foundation
Award: $20,000-$60,000
Deadline: May 1, July 1, November 1, 2010, February 1, 2011
Description: The American Honda Foundation invites all public schools and educational institutions to apply for grants to fund projects that focus on youth education specifically in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. Proposals are reviewed and funded quarterly.

Academic Enrichment Grants
Award: Up to $10,000 per year for three years
Deadline: Applications closed April 2011, but will reopen in the fall for first deadline January 15 2012
Description: The Mcarthey Dressman education foundation invites all K-12 public schools to apply for funds to support unique projects that will supplement regular classroom or after school activities, student ideas for strengthening the academic experience, additional resources to supplement a currently funded project in the areas of materials, time, or transportation.

Dominion Educational Partnership Program
Award: Up to $10,000
Deadline: Applications for 2011 closed May 2011. Will reopen in early spring 2012
Description: Public and private K-12 schools in target areas in the NE United states are invited to apply for grants to fund the tools they need to revitalize their math and science programs.

Teacher Development Grants
Award: Up to $10,000
Deadline: Applications closed April 2011, but will reopen in the fall for first deadline January 15 2012
Description: The Mcarthey Dressman education foundation invites all K-12 public school educators to apply for funds to support individuals or small teams of teachers who are implementing groundbreaking, innovative instructional strategies. The funds allow educators to write about their projects, share them with other teachers, and observe the effect on student learning.

Braitmeyer Foundation
Award: Up to $35,000
Deadline: Proposals and Letters of Inquiry due March 15, 2012
Description: Grants are awarded for K-12 education throughout the United States for curricular and school reform initiatives, and professional development initiatives particularly to encourage talented educators to remain in K-12 education.

Teams Award
Award: $2500, Gale products ($500 value), a one-year subscription to Library Media Connection; and Educator’s Professional Bookshelf ($500 value) from Linworth Publishing.
Deadline: June 15, 2011 (this is awarded every two years and has been included so that teachers and media specialists can anticipate plans for next school year).
Description: The Gale/Library Media Connection TEAMS award invites all K-12 public and private schools in the United States and Canada to apply for grants to fund projects that demonstrate collaboration between the media specialist and teacher to improve student achievement. Each nomination will be evaluated to determine effective techniques that have a positive impact on student achievement, school leadership support, and best practices that can be replicated.

Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation
Award: Up to $10,000 toward instrument acquisition or repair
Deadline: Submit a Pre-Qualification form available online by September 29, 2011
Description: K-12 public, private, or charter schools in the United States are invited to submit a pre-qualification form to the Mr. Holland’s Opus foundation to apply for up to $10,000 worth of instruments or repair of existing instruments. Programs that take place during the school day and meet the guidelines listed on the Web site are eligible to apply for the Melody Program. After-school programs that meet the guidelines listed at the Web site are invited to apply for the Special Projects program.

Arthur Ashley Williams Foundation
Award: Varies
Deadline: Ongoing
Description: The Arthur Ashley Williams Foundation awards grants to non-profit organizations and public schools to provide support, seed money, challenge grants, and capital improvements. Grant applications are considered based on the target population to be served, the need for service and impact on the target population, sustainability of the project once the grant has ended, and the significance of the grant on the organization implementing the project.

Digital Wish Grants
Awards: Up to 50 different hardware and software awards
Deadline: Ongoing
Description: Register to win one of 50 hardware and software awards through the digital wish program. Register your classroom, write and submit a lesson plan and you are automatically registered to up more than 40 technology grants and one of three Mobile Digital Camera Labs.

Reading, Writing & Rhythm
Award: Musical Intruments
Deadline: Ongoing
Description: K-12 small or rural schools are invited to apply for musical instruments for their school music programs. This program was founded by country music artist Chely Wright.

NEA Books Across America Grants
Deadline: will reopen Fall 2012
Number of Awards: unspecified
Award Amount: $1,000
Pre-K-12 public school educators are invited to apply for the Books Across America Grant to fund the purchase of books for school libraries that serve economically disadvantaged students. Applications can be completed online and emailed. Grants are awarded to schools that meet the required guidelines.

NEA Student Achievement Grants
Deadline: February 1, June 1, October 15
Number of Awards: unspecified
Award Amount: $5,000
Student Achievement grants are available to fund resource materials, supplies, equipment, and transportation for innovative school projects. Funded projects should be focused on improving student problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in order to improve their knowledge of standards-based subjects. Proposals for work that increases success, advanced placement, or other challenging curricula for lower-income and minority students is encouraged.

NCSS Teaching Awards for Social Studies Teachers
Deadline: ended May 1, 2011, will reopen spring 2011, check site for details
Number of Awards: Three
Award Amount: $2,500, complimentary one-year membership to NCSS, $500 in travel expenses to attend NCSS program to present a session on their work
The National Council of Social Studies Teachers will be honoring exceptional Social Studies teachers of grades K-6, 5-8, and 7-12. Teachers who have developed creative and innovative instructional methods for engaging students in history and social sciences are invited to apply.

Double Your Impact: Funds for High School Teachers at High-Need or Rural Schools
Deadline: Ongoing
Number of Awards: unspecified
Award Amount: varies
Thanks to a $4 million gift from the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation, teachers can register online to apply for matching funding for projects that prepare their students for college. Schools where 50 percent of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch are eligible to apply for funding. The teacher develops a budget for the project and provides 50 percent of the funding and Double Your Impact will fund the remaining 50 percent. Visit the Web site to read complete details and apply. has a wide variety of programs available for teachers to apply for so you can find one that is right for you.

Christopher Columbus Awards
Deadline: Applications will reopen Fall 2011, and due February 2012, check site for details
Number of Awards: 30 semi-finalist teams and eight finalist teams
Award Amount: up to $25,000 plus an all expense paid trip to Walt Disney World for the finalists
This programs challenges groups of three to four students along with an adult coach to identify a problem in the community and apply the scientific method to create an innovative solution for the problem. One gold medal award winner in 2009 developed the Ergo-PAD (Ergonomic Poster Alignment Device) to eliminate bad posture while on the computer. Another created a community education program about endangered species. To view more winning entries or to apply, visit the Web site.

Captain Planet Foundation Grants
Deadline: May 31, September 30, December 31
Number of Awards: As many as resources allow
Award Amount: $250-$2500
All tax exempt K-12 schools and non-profit organizations are invited to apply for funding to support environmental projects that promote problem solving skills and hands-on involvement for K-12 students. Sample projects include organic gardening, water quality testing, recycling programs, environmental career projects, natural habitat restoration, organic farming study, and many more. Visit the Web site to view previously funded projects in each state.

Best Buy Teach@15 Award Program
Deadline: Ongoing. Nominations start September 1, 2011, voting starts September 15, 2011
Number of Awards: 21
Award Amount: First Place $1,500, Second Place $1,000, Third Place $500
Beginning September 15, 2009 and every 15 days thereafter, Best Buy will open up nominations for students to nominate their school for the award. Teen members go to web site and create a profile, then they can nominate their school once each day during each nomination period. At the end of 15 days, the three schools with the most votes will receive money for technology for their school. First place wins $1,500, second place wins $1,000, and third place wins $500. The award cycle begins again every 15 days. U.S. public and private schools serving grades 7-12 are eligible to apply for the Teach@15 Awards program.

Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Grants
Deadline: Applications now being accepted, deadline
October 14, 2011
Number of Awards: Varies
Award Amount: Up to $5000
If your school is in need of a new learning area such as a garden, playground, peer-tutoring center, landscaping project, physical fitness area, update your library, or just about any educational program you can think of, these grants might help you achieve those goals. You can apply online for up to $5000 in funding to support your project. Applications are now open until October 14, 2011, but once 1500 applications are received, the application process will close.

NEA Foundation Grants
Deadline: February 1, June 1, October 15
Number of Awards: Varies
Award Amount: $2000 to $5000
The NEA Foundation has awarded more than 2,000 grants since 1999. Public school educators are invited to apply for $2000 to $5,000 grants to support professional development opportunities and innovative ideas to improve teaching and learning. Educators can apply for grants through one of two primary grant initiatives: Student Leadership Grants and Learning and Leadership Grants.

GTECH After School Advantage Program
Deadline: Ongoing
Number of Awards: Varies
Award Amount: Up to $15,000 in computer equipment
Public schools and nonprofit community organizations with an existing after-school program that is in need of a computer lab are eligible to apply for a computer lab from GTECH. If selected, your school or organization will receive up to $15,000 in state of the art computers and equipment to support your after-school program. Proposals are accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis and applications are available at the Web site.

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